www.aimovers.org.uk - Association Of Independent Movers


Industry Standards, Customer Service and Safe Working Practices

Each member shall comply with the Membership Rules, and the AIM Code of Practice at all times. This is mandatory and non-compliance may result in suspension or termination of membership, at the discretion of AIM.

"The members of The Association of Independent Movers (AIM) share a commitment to the development of industry standards, customer service and safe working practices"

All Transactions

Each member shall act responsibly and with integrity in the day-to-day conduct of its business.

For example:
I. Provide adequate training for members of its staff, bringing to their attention the principles of the membership rules and the Code of Practice requiring them to carry out their duties in accordance with it. Also, ensure continuous and appropriate training of staff in respect of current legislation and best practice.
II. Follow where appropriate any requests conveyed to members by AIM or the enforcement/legal authorities.
III. Follow where appropriate any guidance notes issued by AIM.
IV. Where Members conduct business with other Members, all parties agree to make payments promptly in the timescale agreed. In all cases this should be no later than 30 days from the commencement of work.

General Conduct

a) Use plain English in all communications and advertising.
b) Show on all stationery, forms and websites the full business address, telephone number, email address, (where used) and membership number.
c) All members have a duty to ensure that their agents, sub-contractors and subsidiaries comply with AIM’s Membership Rules, Code of Practice and Guidelines.
d) All members shall ensure AIM’s Code of Practice is available on, (or linked from) their own website where they have one. They shall further ensure that a copy of the Code of Practice is held in their office for inspection by a customer on request.
e) A copy of the Code of Practice should be made available for all staff to read. This may be by keeping copies in the vehicles, keeping a copy in the staff rest area or by any other means which would allow the staff to refer to the document during their working day.

Legislation & Guidelines

Each member shall conduct its business lawfully, comply with all relevant UK/EU legislation, regulation and judicial decisions and trade fairly and responsibly.


Members must keep in strict confidence any information supplied by their customers, other members and AIM and not disclose any information held unless authorised, by the customer, AIM or by law under The 1998 Data Protection Act.

Fairness and Transparency

Each member shall:
a) Ensure fairness and transparency of contracts made with customers, sub-contractors and other members.
b) Conduct its business under a name, title or style which will not confuse or mislead customers, association members or members of the public, or which will not imply any association with other organisations or persons, which do not exist.


a) Each member shall have in place adequate processes to deal with the customer and complaints. This must contain the following minimum procedure:
I. The Management level at which complaints are handled.
II. The time frame in which complaints are handled.
III. The remedy, if the complainant is not satisfied.
IV. Complainants must be advised that one of the remedies is referral of the complaint to AIM where appropriate.

b) Members shall deal with complaints speedily, responsively, in a customer friendly manner and at an appropriate management level. The first written response must be within 7 days of the complaint and the Member must make all reasonable effort to resolve the complaint within 30 days.

c) Detailed records of all complaints must be kept by the Member and made available to AIM on request.

d) Member’s complaints procedures must be made available to the customer or his/her advisor on request and a summary of the complaints procedure must be included in Member’s Terms & Conditions.

e) Where a customer has requested the intervention of AIM in a dispute, the member must agree to provide all relevant information.


a) Each member shall provide AIM, on request, references and proof of financial solvency.

b) AIM shall monitor the compliance of members with the rules and the Code of Practice and shall maintain a record of the number and types of complaints received, (including feedback on the AIM website). AIM reserves the right to publish details of serious complaints on the website, where it deems appropriate.

c) Any instance of non-compliance shall be drawn to the attention of the member concerned. In the event of continued non-compliance or of a serious breach, AIM will take such action as it deems appropriate, including a warning or expulsion from membership.

d) Each member must inform AIM of all trading names in use, trading addresses, offices and operating centres.

e) Each member must notify AIM of any matters which might adversely affect the reputation of AIM or the member.

f) Disputes between members regarding payments for services provided are regarded as commercial matters between the members involved, and for that reason AIM would not normally expect to be involved.

g) Where an inter-member dispute threatens to damage the reputation of AIM or its Members, AIM will take whatever action necessary to ensure such damage is minimised or eliminated.

h) Any Member raising a question as to the conduct of another member, requesting intervention or investigation by AIM, shall do so in writing giving details regarding the conduct in question. No complaint will be considered which has been received by AIM more than 30 days after the matter complained of has come to the knowledge of the member. No complaint received from an anonymous source will be considered or acted upon.

i) If AIM is of the opinion that the matter requires investigation or their intervention, they will contact the member concerned and request them to reply, with their comments regarding the complaint, in writing within 7 days. AIM will then consider the matter and take whatever further action they deem appropriate.


a) Membership is monthly and paid in advance. Membership fees are not refundable, in whole or in part.

b) Membership is conditional on the Member’s continued compliance with the Membership Rules and continues until cancelled by the member or AIM.

c) If the Member chooses to cancel membership, they must notify AIM in writing, giving two months’ notice.

Use of AIM Logo

a) Members are encouraged to use the AIM logo and actively use their membership status for marketing purposes.

b) Members will make reasonable effort to monitor where such marketing is in place.

c) In the event of termination of membership, either by the member or by AIM, the remover must take all reasonable steps to remove the AIM logo (including claims to AIM membership) from marketing material, stationery, livery, signs and anywhere else that it may appear in reference to the remover.

d) In the event that such misinformation is still active on third party websites, (or other media that is outside the remover’s direct control) after 30 days of the Remover’s termination from AIM, the Remover will be notified in writing and permitted a further 30 days to have the misinformation removed.

e) Only after reasonable steps have been taken will AIM consider further action. This may include reporting offences to the Advertising Standards Authority and/or other regulatory bodies. As a last resort, AIM may take legal action.

f) Deliberate misuse of the AIM logo and claims of membership status by non-members, will not be treated with the same flexibility.

Member Feedback

a) Members are encouraged to offer feedback, ideas and constructive criticism of AIM through the members' groups and website. All will receive a response in due course.

b) The members area of the website must not be used in such a way as to offend other members. AIM reserves the right to remove content that it deems offensive or likely to cause harm or distress.

c) Members may visit the AIM office during normal office hours but may be asked to make an appointment or return later if they visit at an inconvenient time.