UK Pensions and Tax
Before moving to France from the UK, you must notify the UK government offices that deal with benefits, pensions and tax.
You must register for healthcare as a resident in France. In addition, you can sign up for top-up health insurance.
You must show proof of healthcare cover before you can register as a resident or when you apply for a visa.
You can apply to be covered by the French healthcare system (Protection Universelle Maladie or ‘PUMa’) if you’ve been a resident in France for at least 3 months. If you’re employed in France, you can apply as soon as you start work. You will have the same access to state healthcare as a French citizen.
Customs Documents
To move your household goods and personal effects, you will need the following documents.
- T1 transit form
- Export Accompanying Document (EAD)
- Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Import Control System (ICS) to the port of entry.
- Copy of valid Passport
- Proof of Residence in France
- Signed “bon de non cession” French Customs Form (Certificate of no sales)
- Detailed inventory of goods with values in Euros
- Certificate of change of residence, issued by the French Consulate
Documents Required
- Original international vaccination book
- Veterinary health certificate
- Pet microchip number
Prohibited Goods
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Pornographic material
- Non-prescription drugs
- Radio transmitters
- Animal skins, ivory and similar products from protected species
- Food items
- Animals, birds or fish (alive or dead)
- Counterfeit goods
- Items protected by the 1973 Washington Convention (CITES)
Tobacco, cigarettes or cigars are subject to duty or tax payments.
Alcohol must be registered and within the limits as accompanied baggage (include a separate and detailed inventory of each item. An import license may be required):
- Wine (4 L)
- Beer (16 L)
- Alcohol not exceeding 22% alcohol by volume (2 L)
- Alcohol exceeding 22% alcohol by volume (1 L)
Professional qualifications
You may need to get your professional qualification recognised if you want to work in a profession that is regulated in France. The UK Centre for Professional Qualifications can advise.
Driving in France
If your UK driving licence was first issued before 1 January 2021 it will be recognised in France for as long as it is valid. If your UK licence has expired, or has less than 6 months’ validity remaining, you must exchange it for a French licence. You can only exchange your licence if it is due to expire within 6 months. If you do not have a valid reason to request an exchange, your application will not be processed.
If your UK driving licence was first issued on or after 1 January 2021 it will be recognised for 1 year from the date of issue of your residency permit. If you intend to stay in France for longer than 1 year, you must exchange your UK licence for a French licence during this initial 1-year period.
To exchange your licence, you will not need to take a driving test.
Importing your Car
Once the vehicle has arrived in France, you must register it and obtain a vehicle registration document known as a Carte Grise (Certificat d’Immatriculation). After this, you can request your French number plates.
Required Documents
- Passport and valid driver’s licence
- Proof of your French address
- Proof of car insurance
- Vehicle registration document or V5C
- Dated and signed Application for Registration of the Vehicle in France
- Signed ‘Mandat d’immatriculation (Cerfa 13757*03)’ form
- Certificate of Conformity
- Import tax Certificate or 846 A
- Control Technique certificate (French ‘MOT’)
This guide is an overview only and readers should seek further advice from the official bodies in the country to which they are moving.