You need a residence permit to stay in the Netherlands. The type of permit depends on your reasons for moving to the Netherlands, (such as work or study) and your situation.
Everyone living in the Netherlands must have their own citizen service number, referred to as a BSN (burgerservicenummer). You need a BSN for many administrative procedures in the Netherlands.
You must request registration in the Personal Records Database BRP (Basisregistratie Personen) within 5 days of arriving in the Netherlands. Everyone living in the Netherlands has a citizen service number referred to as a BSN (burgerservicenummer). You will need this for administrative procedures such as working, opening a bank account, arranging health insurance, visiting a doctor or hospital, or applying for benefits.
UK Pensions and Tax
Before moving to the Netherlands from the UK, you must notify the UK government offices that deal with benefits, pensions and tax.
Healthcare in the Netherlands
You must arrange health insurance within 4 months of your arrival. The basic Dutch health insurance (basis verzekering) covers general medical care. You can choose which health insurance you take.
Working in the Netherlands
If you are moving to the Netherlands to work, you may need a visa. To apply for a job, you may need a UK police certificate and/or a Certificate of Conduct (VOG). You can apply for a VOG either online or through your municipality.
Professional qualifications in the Netherlands
You may need to get your professional qualification recognised if you want to work in a profession that is regulated in the Netherlands.
For more information, see the UK Centre of Professional Qualifications (UK CPQ).
Customs Documents
To move your household goods and personal effects, you will need the following documents.
- T1 transit form
- Export Accompanying Document (EAD)
- Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) in the Import Control System (ICS) to the port of entry.
- Passport (copy of photo page)
- Copy of Visa
- Z1 – Customs Declaration
- T1 document
- Inventory of goods
- Bewijs van aanmelding (certificate from the population register of the municipality you registered to reside in)
Moving with Pets to the Netherlands
Documents Required
- Original international vaccination book
- Veterinary health certificate (must be signed by an authorized veterinarian within 8 days of import)
- Pet microchip number (if applicable)
Prohibited/Restricted Goods
- Firearms, weapons, ammunition or explosives
- Pornographic material
- Non-prescription drugs
- Radio transmitters
- Animal skins, ivory and similar products from protected species
- Food items and milk products
- Animals, birds or fish (alive or dead)
- Counterfeit goods
- To import live plants, you will need a Phytosanitary Certificate issued by the APHA PHSI office.
Driving in the Netherlands
You cannot renew or replace your UK driving licence if you live in the Netherlands. You must exchange your licence within 185 days of becoming a resident. You should exchange your licence at your local council (gemeente). You can only exchange your licence if you are registered as a resident of the Netherlands and have a valid residence permit.
Importing your Car to the Netherlands
If you are moving to the Netherlands and taking your car, you must obtain a Dutch registration number for your vehicle as quickly as possible. You can apply for one from the RDW. This will require an inspection.
Documents Required
- Certificate of title / registration
- Purchase invoice or other proof of ownership
- Original bill of lading
- Certificate of residence
- Copy of foreign insurance certificate or proof of insurance
This guide is an overview only and readers should seek further advice from the official bodies in the country to which they are moving.